
About ABA International Conference

Conferința Internațională ABA is the leading event dedicated to the research and theory of Applied Behavior Analisys in Romania.

During the 3 day conference, more than 500 people attend the event each year.

The conference is certified by the National Psychologists College and by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.

NEW on the ABA Conference 2015

  • The BCBA and BCaBA participants in the conference will receive CE credits from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board as the Association of Applied Behavior Analysis (ATCA) was certified as ACE PROVIDER.
  • 4 foreign BCBA lecturers will attend the first 2 days of the conference in april 2015: Neil Martin (UK), Ph.D., BCBA-D, William L. Heward (US), Ed.D., BCBA-D, Christos K. Nikopoulos, BCBA-D and Miguel Caio (US), Ph. D., BCBA, Romanian BCBA lecturers will join them in presentations.
  • The third day is dedicated to autism and will be opened by a presentation from Jens Erik Skår (NOR) Ph.D., Specialist in clinical psychology, a video-conference with Sergiu Pașca – psychiatry and behavioral sciences researcher, the Romanian who opened at Stanford University the first research lab in neuropsychiatry, including autism, and a heartfelt presentation by Ashley and Nick Dodge and their 20 years in autism.
  • Romanian participants will be rewarded by C.P.R (National Psychologists College) with 12 credits for paper, 5 credits for attending the conference.

Day 1 & 2

  • The first 2 days are mainly dedicated to psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, speech and ABA therapists.
  • Pay from February, 1st to April, 2nd

Day 3

  • The third day of the conference is mainly dedicated to parents, kindergarten and school teachers, ABA therapists.
  • Pay from February, 1st to April, 2nd


  • Psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, speech and ABA therapists, parents, kindergarten and school teachers.
  • Pay until April, 2st
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ABA Bucharest International Conference is the leading conference on ABA research and theory!

Whether you work with applied behavior analysis or you plan to, the ABA Conference is the opportunity to learn new discoveries or insights for leading ABA specialists.
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Meet Your BCBA Lecturers

Neil Martin
Neil MartinPh.D., BCBA-D
Neil Martin, Ph.D., BCBA-D, has been working as a behaviour analyst (as a clinician, academic, supervisor and researcher), since 1990. Dr. Martin received his Ph.D. from the University of Reading (UK) in 1998 and became a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) in 2002.Read more
William L. Heward
William L. HewardEd.D., BCBA-D
William L. Heward, Ed.D., BCBA-D, is Professor Emeritus in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University (USA). Dr. Heward has been a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Portugal, a Visiting Scholar at the National Institute of Education in Singapore, a Visiting Professor of Psychology at Keio University in Tokyo and the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and has given lectures and workshops in 18 other countries. He has published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters and nine books, including Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education, 10th ed. (2013), and Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd ed. (2007, co-authored with John Cooper and Tim Heron), which have been translated into several foreign languages. Awards recognizing Dr. Heward’s contributions to education and behavior analysis include the Fred S. Keller Behavioral Education Award from the American Psychological Association’s Division 25 and the Ellen P. Reese Award for Communication of Behavioral Concepts from the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. A Past President and Fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Dr. Heward’s research interests include “low-tech” methods for increasing the effectiveness of group instruction and adaptations of curriculum and instruction that promote the generalization and maintenance of newly learned knowledge and skills.
Miguel Caio
Miguel CaioPh. D., BCBA
Dr. Caio Miguel obtained his M.A. and Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis at Western Michigan under the co-supervision of Dr. Jack Michael and Dr. James Carr. Currently, he is an associate professor of Psychology at California State University…Read more
Christos K. Nikopoulos
Christos K. NikopoulosBCBA-D
Christos K. Nikopoulos PhD, BCBA-D, MBPsS, CSci, FHEA, is the founder and director of Autism Consultancy Services in London as well as the International representative for the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB®). He is a BACB Type 2 Approved Continuing Education (ACE) Provider, who has served as a clinician, a university lecturer, an educator, a consultant, a researcher, and an author in the areas of autism, intellectual and other developmental disabilities as well as neurological and behavioral interventions in special education for more than 17 years. He has obtained international experience in working with children with autism and other developmental disabilities as well as their families and has published widely on the topic.
Anca Dumitrescu
Anca DumitrescuBCBA
Anca Dumitrescu is BCBA, psychologist and president of ATCA. She has 11 years experience in behavioral intervention and she is a consultant in ATCA center. She also deliver training courses for psychologists and therapists ABA (Registered Behavior Technician).
Oana Anacona Radu
Oana Anacona RaduBCaBA
Oana is BCaBA, psychologist and vice president of the Association for Early Intervention in Autism. She has 10 years of experience in behavioral intervention, during which she accumulated over 12 000 hours of actual work, with more than 130 children.
Alexandra Comârniceanu
Alexandra ComârniceanuBCBA
Alexandra Comarniceanu has been working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis for 9 years. She finished an ABA master course at Bangor University, UK, and became a BCBA in 2012. She was a speaker at conferences in Romania and Great Britain.
Anca-Elena Grigoraș
Anca-Elena GrigorașBCaBA
Anca- Elena Grigoraş is a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst, Clinical Psychologist and the President of “Senzo Kids” Centre. She has more than 5 years of experience in coordinating and implementing Applied Behavior Analysis based programs. In 2012 she founded The “Senzo” Association, being motivated to extend the use of Applied Behavior Analysis techniques in areas, other than the treatment of autism.
Octavia Vasile
Octavia VasileBCaBA
Octavia Vasile is a clinical psychologist and a cognitive-behavioral  psychotherapist, she has five years of experience in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, successfully completed “BCaBA Alternate Pathway Course Sequence Applied Behavior Analysis with Autism and Developmental Disorders” and she became a BCaBA in 2014. She is also a founding member of “Senzo”, a non-governmental organization providing services for children with autism and related disorders.
Alexandru Tarasov
Alexandru TarasovBCaBA
Alexandru Tarasov, MSc, BCaBA is an independent consultant from the Republic of Moldova. He has over 10 years of experience in implementing behavior interventions for children with developmental delays, and became BCaBA certified in 2014. During the last years he was involved in teaching school teachers and speech pathologists from different regions of the Republic of Moldova how to use ABA principles and interventions in working with children with developmental delays and children with problem behaviors.
Geanina Bucuroiu
Geanina BucuroiuBCaBA
Geanina Bucuroiu is a BCaBA, clinical psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist. She has been working in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis from 2003 and she is consultant and program director at Napocensis Medical Center.
Maria Gioroc
Maria GiorocBCaBA
Maria Gioroc is a certified behavior analyst (BCaBA), certified psychologist by psychologists college from Romania and president of Asociatia SpontanIA – Interventie in Autism (Spontania Association –
Autism intervention). She has 6 years working experience of implementation and application of behavioral intervention programs.
Alina Bobârnac
Alina BobârnacBCBA

Meet Your Autism Lecturers

Jens Erik Skår
Jens Erik Skår
Ph.D., Specialist in clinical psychology, applied behavior analysis, supervisor. He worked for 30 years in the public sector as community and clinical psychologist. From 2001, Jens Erik Skår is the clinical director of the Institute of Applied Behavior Analysis, Stavanger, Norway.He attended and presented at numerous conferences and he is a member of the Norwegian Psychologist Association (NPF) and The Norwegian Association of Behavior Analysis (NAFO).
Sergiu Pașca
Sergiu Pașca
Sergiu P. Pașca, M.D. is an assistant professor & principal investigator in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University in California, USA. His lab is interested in deciphering the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism. Dr Pasca is a recipient of the Brain and Behavior (NARSAD) Young Investigator Award, the Sammy Kuo Award for Neuroscience, and the MQ Fellow Award for Transforming Mental Health.
Ashley and Nicholas Dodge
Ashley and Nicholas Dodge
Ashley and Nicholas Dodge have been living in the world of autism for over 20 years. Nicholas was diagnosed as severely autistic at the age of 2 and they were given no hope of improvement. Following years of research, Ashley and Nick became one of the first families in Utah (USA) to create and implement an ABA program in their home. After years of hard work and Applied Behavior Analysis, Nicholas has shined through his diagnosis and is now attending college in Cedar Rapids, Iowa (USA). Nicholas is a talented artist and is looking forward to a career in graphic design. Ashley is a Registered Nurse in an Emergency Department in an Iowa hospital.
Ana Hodea
Ana Hodea
Ana Hodea este psihopedagog logoped autonom acreditat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România și membru fondator al Asociației MAI APROAPE. Are 6 ani de experiență în terapia logopedică și este formator în cadrul cursurilor de logopedie în cadrul Asociației AITA.
Ionel Mocanu
Ionel Mocanupsychologist
Ionel Mocanu is a psychologist, behavior analyst and cognitive behavioral psychotherapist with over 5 years experience in coordinating and implementing behavioral intervention plans (both for children with typical or atypical development), in providing individual and group parental counseling services (holding Triple P accreditation – Positive Parenting Program) and teacher training on topics such as: causes of behavior, behavior management, ADHD, social and emotional skills development.
Daniela (Martinescu) Gavankar
Daniela (Martinescu) Gavankarbehavior analyst
Daniela Gavankar is a behavior Analyst seeking international certification, psychologist and president at The Association for Therapeutic Intervention in Autism (AITA). She finished an ABA course sequence at the University of North Texas – Department of Behavior Analysis and attended a PECS course in London. She is the author of the book Autism. The parent’s book (2004)– the first Romanian guide for parents of children with autism and coauthor of the brochure – Autism Intervention from Theory to Practice – The complete guide of the informed parent (2013).
Andreea Matauan
Andreea Matauanbehavior analyst
Andreea Matauan is a behavior Analyst seeking international certification, psychotherapist. She started working with children with autism 6 years ago. In 2013 she started coordinating intervention programs for children with autism under the supervision of Daniela Gavankar at AITA.

She finished a 2 year coursework sequence in ABA at the University of North Texas (online) and she is currently working under the supervision of a BCBA-D from the USA.

Adriana Balșanu
Adriana Balșanuspecial education teacher
Adriana Balsanu is a special education teacher and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist for over 7 years experience in the application of behavioral intervention plans for children with autism, ADHD and developmental delays. She has a master degree in “Cognitive Psycho-diagnosis and psychological counseling” and she now coordinates therapeutic programs for children cu autism frum Help Autism, oversees the activity in two Help Autism centers and she also delivers training programs for future ABA therapists.

Program (TBA)

April, 5th

Jens Erik Skår – Ph.D., Specialist in clinical psychology, applied behavior analysis, supervisor „An overview over procedures used to decrease problem behaviors”

Sergiu Pașca – videoconference

Ashley and Nicholas Dodge„Life with autism – 20 years of autism”

Ana Hodea, logoped – „Verbal behavior therapy, optimal approaches for therapy according to the specific development of each child

Daniela (Martinescu) Gavankar, behavior analyst – „Group Therapy – intermediate step between individual and kindergarten.

Andreea Matauan, behavior analyst –The Child’s Power to Choose – a Key for Preventing Problem Behaviors

Ionel Mocanu, psichologist „ABA in school classroom”

Adriana Balșanu, special education teacher Case study on the impact of ABA on 25 children with autism aged 1 to 5

Location: Romanian-American University

Romanian – American University

Bulevardul Expoziției 1B

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