Alexandra Comarniceanu has a 13 years experience, in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). She has graduated a MSc. in ABA at Bangor University, United Kingdom, and has become a BCBA (Board Certified Behaviour Analyst) in 2012. She presented at conferences in Romania and UK, held trainings in various European countries, and, starting from March 2015, she is supervising the implementation of ABA at SACS AVA, an ABA centre in France. Her activity in Romania consists in monitoring home-based ABA programmes, the integration of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental delays in kindergartens and schools, supervising individuals that want to become their BCBA’s (Board Certified Behavior Analyst) and BCaBA’s (Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst), and training teachers in how to implement ABA in order to increase the efficiency of group teaching, in mainstream kindergartens.
Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA:
Self-stimulatory behaviours: what can we do about them?
Self-stimulatory behaviours are one of the most frequent categories of disruptive behaviours, seen in individuals with autism. The purpose of this presentation is to suggest two possible interventions, which can be used to decrease the frequency, or even to eliminate those behaviours, from a person’s repertoire. A lot of times, self-stimulatory behaviours appear when the person has a reduced repertoire of leisure activities, and uses those repetitive behaviours, in order to occupy his free time. In this case, conditioning some toys and games, is the first step that needs to be done. If, after this intervention, the frequency of self-stimulatory behaviour still represents a problem, we can use another intervention, based on offering noncontingent access to stimuli that offer the same sensory consequence, as the self-stimulatory behaviour, and are socially acceptable.