Ana Maria Bogdan este consultant în analiza comportamentală aplicata si psiholog clinician in cadrul ATCA. A absolvit în anul 2011 Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, specializarea Psihologie și Psihopedagogie Speciala la Universitatea din București. A absolvit masterul de ,,Terapii Logopedice si Psihologie Clinica”. A finalizat cursurile în Analiza Aplicata a Comportamentului la Universitatea North Texas, Department of Behavior Analysis.

Este implicată în organizarea sesiunilor de cursuri organizate de ATCA pentru părinți si cadre didactice.

Presenting at the Bucharest International ABA Conference:

The importance of psychotherapy after ending the ABA therapy program

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on behavioral therapies. Thus we can consider it an extension of it, using classical and operative learning theory and modeling technique. Cognitive behavioral therapy techniques aim at modifying distortions and cognitive deficiencies that influence behavior by using a number of techniques such as modeling, role play, repetition, relaxation, and thought monitoring. These techniques are suited and adapted to children with ASD.

Difficulties encountered such as maintaining attention, frustration, problem solving ability, feeling of incompetence, impulsiveness, aggression, anxiety can be trained in the psychotherapeutic process.

The inclusion of CBT in the therapeutic program of the child with ASD is necessary for him to learn new desirable approaches within social groups, family conflicts, emotions management and exposure to new experiences that involve a high degree of rigidity on their part. All this is the premise for a harmonious development of the child, preadolescent and teenager.