Nicoleta M. Orlea has 7 years of media experience, 2 years in marketing experience, and has been working for more than 3 years as a Fundraising Manager for ATCA, an association dedicated to children with autism and professionalization of Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA) in Romania .
She got here because life gave her a boy with autism, her miracle. This child and his diagnosis helped Nicoleta to find her vocation in fundraising for a noble cause and to choose to fight for him and for children like him.
Together with ATCA, Nicoleta helps 170 children with behavioral and autistic spectrum disorders, 15 of which are social cases (orphans and extremely poor families) to recover and integrate socially and collectively through ABA rehabilitation therapy.
The Association provides services free of charge to children’s social cases within the association such as teacher training courses.
Nicoleta has the ambition to help all children diagnosed with autism and the adults around them. She is aware that she can only do this by creating a strong community of people and companies at national level.
Nicoleta embraces perserverance as the value necessary in order to fulfill dreams and obstacles.
Presenting at the Bucharest International ABA Conference:
Workshop – The role of Fundraiser for my child
One of the most delicate aspects of the life of a parent with a disabled child is to obtain the financial support needed for the recovery treatments. Even if it does not seem important in the amalgam of all the programs and methods necessary for the child’s chance to have a complete life, the role of Fundraiser is, in fact, perhaps the most important role. Without constant financial support, all the child’s intervention needs can not be implemented because, in essence, no one works for free.
So, this course aims to explain the field of daily fundraising and the tools that any parent can implement for the benefit of their own child.
Fundraisers have been around the world since the Middle Ages. Whether we are talking about raising funds for the church or attracting funds for political campaigns, the principles are the same. The effort to be made for individual cases is the same. The implementation process is different, however, and accessible tools for the parent need to be personalized.
Through this workshop, any parent with a child with disabilities will understand the legal framework of Fundraising, the ethical framework, the social framework and the managerial and instrumental framework for obtaining the necessary funds. More specifically, we will learn together what areꓽ
- My Rights, My Resources, My Tools – Current Tax Code, Personal Contact List vs. Public Contact List, Email Marketing vs. Telemarketing.
- Where do I get money from: people, companies, events? The advantages and disadvantages of Fundraising from Man to Man vs. Fundraising from Company to Company.
- How do I get time: Time-Management and the role of manager at “a minute”. Matrix of personal goals vs. effective time management. What do I do and how do I do it if I do not have external support for childcare.