Graduate the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, and the Integrative Psychotherapy Therapy School from the Association of Integrative Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology (APIPC) in Iasi, an association in which she is a member.
He is a Clinical Psychologist accredited by the Romanian Psychologists College and ABA Therapist at the Autism Help Association Suceava. He continues his professional training by attending various courses and workshops, including the training of Registered Behavior Technician -RBT in 2017.
Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA:
“The importance of accepting and assuming diagnosis by parents in the child’s therapeutic process.”
1. The stages through which the parent passes after diagnosis: denial, anger, negotiation, sadness (depression), acceptance
2. Redefining the new lifestyle.
3. Collaboration with the team of therapists.