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Dr Louise McHugh

By | February 17th, 2018|Fără categorie|

Dr Louise McHugh is an Associate Professor at University College Dublin. Her research interests are centered on the experimental analysis of language and cognition from a behaviour analytic and Relational Frame Theory perspective, including especially the development of complex cognitive skills such as perspective-taking and the process-level investigation of behavioural and cognitive psychotherapies including Acceptance [...]

Dr Christos K. Nikopoulos

By | February 17th, 2018|Fără categorie|

Dr Christos Nikopoulos is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst® - D (Doctoral Level; BCBA-D), a former member (International Representative) of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB®) Board of Directors. He is currently the Applied Sciences Representative of the European Association of Behaviour Analysis (EABA). He is also the Founder and Director of Autism Consultancy [...]