Ghetea Miriam este psihopedagog si terapeut ABA in cadrul Asociatiei Help Autism de 6 ani. A absolvit Facultatea de Psihologie, specializarea Psihopedagocie Speciala in cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti, Master Psihopedagocia Scolii Incluzise.

Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA:

The management of dysfunctional behaviors and strategies of accesing desirable behaviors in children with TSA

When we discuss about the diagnosis of autism spectrum, we referr both to cognitive dysfunctions and dysfunctional behaviors.

The biggest challenge that specialists and parents are facing is managing inappropriate behaviors and the lack of control on this type of behaviors makes difficult the integration in society of the child.

We chose to talk about this subject because we want to give a few suggestions on how to work on behavioral modeling, so that the child could be more easily accepted in society.

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