Laura Radu, speech therapist at the Help Autism Association. She is a free practice psychologist in Special Psychopedagogy and in professional training in hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy. She also teaches vocal-instrumental music classes at the “Bucuriile Muzicii” Foundation. Lecturer at the ABA Conference, supports training for parents and therapists. Her work includes both psychology, psychopedagogy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy through music and sound.

Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA:

The Importance of Hearing Perception in Language Development – Techniques for training hearing perception.

The workshop has as a theme the presentation of the defining features of the auditory perception, but especially the explanation of its importance in the development of the verbal expressive language. Often a distorted diction, inappropriate voice tones or even vocal intensity used inconsistently with the context; may be generated on the basis of deformed, superficial or deficient auditory perception.

Therefore, we intend to explain both the punctual and the whole, the particularities of the auditory perception in interdependency relation  with the verbal expressive language. The practical activities we will present, come as a complement to the theoretical notions and help both to diagnose certain shortcomings in the auditory perception and also to practicing and developing it.

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