

Andreea Cosmaciuc

By | March 2nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Andreea este psiholog și terapeut ABA cu o experiență de 8 ani în terapia copiilor diagnosticați cu TSA. Promovează analiza aplicată a comportamentului tratând fiecare copil în modul sau individual de exteriorizare. Consideră că munca de psiholog este făcută din suflet, cu implicare, respect și empatie. Este psihoterapeut de orientare cognitiv comportamentală în supervizare si [...]

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Ana Maria Bogdan

By | March 2nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Ana Maria Bogdan este consultant în analiza comportamentală aplicata si psiholog clinician in cadrul ATCA. A absolvit în anul 2011 Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației, specializarea Psihologie și Psihopedagogie Speciala la Universitatea din București. A absolvit masterul de ,,Terapii Logopedice si Psihologie Clinica”. A finalizat cursurile în Analiza Aplicata a Comportamentului la Universitatea [...]

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Irina Isar

By | February 26th, 2019|Lecturers|

* Certified Psychologist * CBT Psychotherapist * ABA therapist for 4 years * ANC Certified Trainer * ANC Certified CounselIor for personal development * Experience in Counseling and Psychotherapy for 5 years Presenting at the Bucharest International ABA Conference: Emotional development in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Children with autism spectrum [...]

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Diana Alexandrescu

By | February 10th, 2019|Lecturers|

DAAL Coordinator DAAL Autism Project Coordinator Graduate of Ecologoca Faculty of Bucharest, Department of Psychology Student Clemson / Romania BCaBA 13 years of experience in education. 11 years experience in ABA therapy Presenting at the Bucharest International ABA Conference: Increase the number of actions on the game -Essential skill for enriching the [...]

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Ana Hodea

By | February 10th, 2019|Lecturers|

Coordinator DAAL Speech therapyst, Psycho-pedagogue DAAL Autism Project Coordinator Practicing psychologist -independent-accredited COPSI Specialization in the development, stimulation and correction of verbal and non-verbal language in the therapy and recovery of children with autism. Lecturer at ABA International Conference 2015, 2016 2017, 2018 Lecturer at the IACB 2017 Conference. Trainer in speech therapy courses [...]

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Viorica Ciolac

By | February 3rd, 2019|Lecturers|

Viorica Ciolac is the first BCBA from Republic of Moldova, psychologist, and an independent consultant.  She practices applied behavior analysis for over 6 years. She completed online course sequences for BCBA at Florida Institute of Technology.  At the moment, her main activity is to coordinate and implement ABA-based programs at home- settings, train therapists [...]

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Corina Popescu

By | February 3rd, 2019|Lecturers|

Corina Popescu is a psychologist and practices applied behavior analysis for over 10 years. She attended behavioral analysis courses at Bangor University in Wales. In 2017 she also completed the BCBA/BCaBA course sequence (online) at Clemson University, South Carolina. She supported the foundation of three centers dedicated to children with disabilities and coordinated multiple [...]

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Ricardo Pellón

By | February 2nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Ricardo Pellón got the Degree in Psychology in 1980 and in 1987 defended his PhD in the area of Experimental Psychology, both at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). He has held research positions at University of Wales College of Cardiff, UK (1981-1984) and the Addiction Research Centre of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Baltimore, [...]

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Anne Marie Hotoiu

By | January 27th, 2019|Lecturers|

A absolvit facultatea de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației, Domeniul Științele Educației Departament de Psihopedagogie Specială, cu master în Psihopedagogia Școlii Incluzive, în cadrul Universității București. Psiholog autonom acreditat COPSI. Experiența profesională a fost dobândită în cadrul unei școli speciale din București, ca profesor psihopedagog, unde a practicat terapie logopedică, începând cu anul 2013. [...]

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Lupu Amalia Maria

By | January 27th, 2019|Lecturers|

AMALIA LUPU este psiholog cu drept de liberă practică în domeniul Psihopedagogiei Speciale, logoped și terapeut ABA cu o experiență de peste 9 ani, formator și lector, susține cursuri de specialitate pentru părinți și logopezi, membru în Asociația Specialiștilor în Terapia Tulburărilor de limbaj ( ASTTLR). Este coordonatorul departamentului de Logopedie al Asociaței Help [...]

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