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So far admin has created 105 blog entries.

Lizetta Mihaila

By | March 31st, 2019|Lecturers|

Psiholog clinician principal, psiholog specialist in psihologie educaţională şi consiliere vocaţională, profesor itinerant , logoped , formator şi  autor de articole de specialitate (psihologie şi logopedie), publicate pe site-urile:,, co-autor al  cărţii:  ,, Descopar ce stiu, ce simt, ce pot, ce vreau”,  apărută la Editura Delfin, autor al cărtilor ,,Vitamine pentru părinţi şi [...]

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Sorina Drelciuc

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Graduate the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, and the Integrative Psychotherapy Therapy School from the Association of Integrative Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology (APIPC) in Iasi, an association in which she is a member. He is a Clinical Psychologist accredited by the Romanian Psychologists College and ABA Therapist [...]

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Ramona Gheorghe

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Dr. Ramona Octaviana Gheorghe Medic primar psihiatrie pediatrica Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA: Diagnostic and Intervention Guide For Neurodevelopmental Disorders Ramona Octaviana Gheorghe MD Senior child and adolescent psychiatrist Anca Diana Oros MD Child and adolescent psychiatrist   The neurodevelopmental disorders are an important part of the pathology of toddlers and [...]

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Alexandra Comarniceanu

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Alexandra Comarniceanu has a 13 years experience, in the field of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). She has graduated a MSc. in ABA at Bangor University, United Kingdom, and has become a BCBA (Board Certified Behaviour Analyst) in 2012. She presented at conferences in Romania and UK, held trainings in various European countries, and, starting [...]

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Lacramioara Petre

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Lacramioara Petre, anthropologist, researcher, PhD Lacramioara Petre is an anthropologist who is working as a researcher at “Francisc I. Rainer” Institute of Anthropology of Romanian Academy for over 18 years. She has a PhD degree in Medical Sciences since 2008 and her work field is feeding behavior. She published many scientific articles about nutrition [...]

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Laura Radu

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Laura Radu, speech therapist at the Help Autism Association. She is a free practice psychologist in Special Psychopedagogy and in professional training in hypnosis and cognitive-behavioral therapy. She also teaches vocal-instrumental music classes at the “Bucuriile Muzicii” Foundation. Lecturer at the ABA Conference, supports training for parents and therapists. Her work includes both psychology, [...]

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Bran Andreea

By | March 22nd, 2019|Lecturers|

 Andreea Maria Bran, este absolventă a Facultății de Psihologie Și Științele Educației, din cadrul Universității București, din anul 2013.  A urmat cursurile de Master Psihologia Sănătății- cercetare clinică și optimizare comportamentală din cadrul Universității București, din anul 2017.În prezent este Psiholog cu drept de liberă practică în specialitatea Psihologie Clinică, treapta practicant în supervizare.Primul contact [...]

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Miriam Ghetea

By | March 21st, 2019|Lecturers|

Ghetea Miriam este psihopedagog si terapeut ABA in cadrul Asociatiei Help Autism de 6 ani. A absolvit Facultatea de Psihologie, specializarea Psihopedagocie Speciala in cadrul Universitatii din Bucuresti, Master Psihopedagocia Scolii Incluzise. Sumar temă Conferința Internațională ABA: The management of dysfunctional behaviors and strategies of accesing desirable behaviors in children with [...]

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Marina Bocai

By | March 21st, 2019|Lecturers|

Bocai Marina este psiholog clinician cu drept de libera practica in cadrul Asociatiei Help Autism. A absolvit Facultatea de Psihologie, Master in Psihodiagnoza Cognitiva si Consiliere Psihologica Universitatea Ecologica din Bucuresti si este in curs de formare ca psihoterapeut in cadrul Asociatie de Himnoterapie si Terapie cognitive-comportamentala, Programul de Formare de Baza in Hipnoterapie [...]

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Nicoleta Orlea

By | March 2nd, 2019|Lecturers|

Nicoleta M. Orlea has 7 years of media experience, 2 years in marketing experience, and has been working for more than 3 years as a Fundraising Manager for ATCA, an association dedicated to children with autism and professionalization of Applied Behavior Therapy (ABA) in Romania . She got here because life gave her a [...]

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